First, I feel like a leader shouldn't be defined by some position that a person has earned. Anyone can be a president (or high power), but only few can actually lead well. A leader to me would be any individual (no matter what rank they are in society), who takes the time/steps to encourage, motivate, persuade, someone else to do well and achieve great goals. It shouldn't be just a higher power individual, and I feel like that's where we go wrong with naming 'leaders'. Second, as a firefighter I do have a Chief, Deputy, Lieutenant, etc. but none of them are any good if they aren't good leaders. Yes, they have 'positions' of higher power but they are suppose to encourage us and teach us to do well. In my fire department our higher authority is a group of wonderful leaders who teach us very well, but I know some people and fire departments aren't as fortunate. Like I mentioned previously; anyone can be considered a leader by their position, but only few can actually show leader qualifications. Third, what I consider good leader qualifications. Well, like I said before anyone who can; teach, encourage, and motivate another person(s) to do well. However, a leader can't just stop there, they should really take over, until these other individuals have reach full potential and rubbed it off on others. Basically, when one leader takes over, many other leaders should develop afterwards, it shouldn't be a influence we are ashamed to share, but one we are happy to see spread. We need a little less negative influence and a lot more powerful and positive influences; to achieve that we must change our 'Leaders'. Anyone can become a high position, but that will never make them a leader until they can actually show they can be one!
I highly encourage you to take the steps and become a leader to someone around you, whether it is one or one-hundred people. Just take the steps and spread a positive influence to those around you! Make your words count!