For me, I have had some trouble in my past, I prefer not to talk about it; but things just didn't go my way. Instead of getting bitter I decided to get better. Sure, I still have my set backs and curve balls but I try to remind myself of the positive I have yet to face.
That's what I believe we all need to do; don't get bitter, get better {Josh Shipp}. Let's not sit back when our plot gets sour, let's get up and face this head on. One day all of our mistakes and set backs will make sense. If they don't and if nothing gets better please don't end your story. There is so much out there that has yet to be explored. Life has many more chapters, if you don't like the one your on change it. Don't sit back and take it. There are so many amazing stories about people who have made it through their tough times and came out on top. Steve Harvey had gone through homelessness and divorce; here he is today a successful motivational man who many have come to enjoy. Brent Smith {of Shinedown} has gone through drug addiction, he became sober and now is an amazing performer. Everyone successful around you has faced a difficulty at some point that you may never know about, you're no different. So, when you face a time in your life where things have taken a turn, don't look negatively on it, take a more positive route. In the end, remember to smile and stay positive.
Stay Positive,