Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dealing With Difficult Situations.

     December was not the best month for me. I went through an extreme low in my life, unable to explain what was happening. This month starting out hasn't been near as bad, but it hasn't exactly been amazing either. Emotionally, things have been difficult for me. However, in this time I've come to realize what it's like to be lonely, even when you are around people. This feeling has happened to me before. Thinking no one really gave much of a care about me when in reality people really did care. Although, what many people don't realize; when you are in a state of extreme lows, you don't see people the same. Your feelings are different, your thoughts are different, you are different. No matter who around you tries to help, it's you who has to step up and fight back. Fighting against something that's not physically there is not easy, it's not something you can control in one night. Dealing with this type of stuff takes small steps until you reach your ideal goal. Starting small doesn't mean you are weak, it means you're trying. Trying is better than sitting back and accepting it.
     Now that I am attempting to get better, things around me seem to be more triggering. Unfortunately, that's what happens sometimes in order to improve ourselves and strengthen ourselves. Going through something so difficult, it's okay to have a breakdown. Just remember to keep moving forward and learn from the past. 
     In the end, you're not alone. No matter how bad you feel you are, there are so many people out there who care. Those people may not show it, they may not say it every day. But they care. I thought I was alone, I couldn't have been more wrong. People I thought hated me, turned out to be the ones who cared the most. I'm thankful for these people and those around me who were patient and helpful through my worst times. 
     To anyone who reads this and feels lonely/depressed, please don't give up. There are people around you, it takes some time to find them, but there are people who care. To anyone reading this who knows or think they know someone dealing with depression right now, take the time to message them. Just talking can really change someone's day.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

It's Your Life

     Life is not easy. Just about everyone knows this. So, when it gives you a curve ball you have two choices. Sit back and complain or push forward and do something. If you want to get something done, don't sit around complaining about it and expecting people to help you through it. At some point you won't have 200 some friends, eventually you'll have yourself. Just you. That's when you learn to live for yourself.
     Stop making lame excuses to why you can't do something. Just because so and so said you can't or just because you believe you lack this or that. Those aren't even excuses, there set backs. Set backs don't have to come from someones mouth, it can come from ourselves. You ultimately make the calling decision whether you do something or not. There's no one else to blame. People around you can help and persuade you. However, you chose the outcome yourself. For example; wanting to do something as a career or life style, it's not dictated by what someone says, but what you make of it. Do not blame someone else, it's okay to be upset with someones view or decision, but blaming the person for what you do is unnecessary.
      If you don't like what someone says, instead of using words use actions. Prove them wrong and move on. Your life is yours, your decisions are yours, your mistakes are yours. Anything in your life is yours. It's your choice to live or complain. It's your choice to learn or give up. Nothing in life is handed over without a ounce of effort backed behind it. If you are unhappy about the way your life turned out, fix it. Don't say 'I can't do it because so and so said this..' instead do it because they said that, use it as motivation.
    People won't be there forever, eventually you'll find yourself alone in making decision and you won't have a large group of support. It shouldn't matter what people around you think. Your happiness is what matters. If you are happy, what is someone else to tell you to stop? Don't listen to them, it's that simple. Our lives are ours, our lives are meant to be lived and every now and again, learn from. It's your choice whether or not you make the effort to advance on your goals, not someone else. It's yours. Sometimes what other people say are your chances to motivate yourself and to encourage yourself, they may be a sand paper against your skin, but their also a learning and motivating chance. Take it while it's there and move on. In the end, life goes on whether you choose to go with or sit back and let people affect you.
Have a great day, 