Friday, November 6, 2015

Youth Problems 2015

     Our youth are becoming a very interesting group. Sometimes it's not a positive interesting either. The youth today act like responsibility is a choice and not a priority. For me personally, I find responsibility to be a top priority. I'm responsible for anything and everything I do. Not a single person can make me do anything, they could influence me, but ultimately I make the decision. I've had enough of people blaming the parents for so many of these kids now and days. The more and more we set the blame to the parents, the more and more the kids will do these dumb and irresponsible acts thinking 'My parents are going to get the blame for it'. The less we show our youth that their responsible for their actions, the more likely we are to see a negative slope in attitudes. 
       Cell phones have become a problem for much of today's youth. Yes, I find cell phones just as useful as the next person, but how many of our youth are actually using their phones for productive things? I would guess about 10%, that could even be a bit high. For example, all of these apps now that we can download and expose ourselves to the world. Many kids get on these apps and start chatting and posting, then they feel all tough and land themselves in trouble. Unfortunately, these kids haven't really took the lesson of turning off the devices. They get all upset over things they keep putting on themselves, and sit there and whine about it. Every device has a power off switch, if more kids learned to use it, maybe cyber bullying wouldn't be such an epidemic. 
       Many of these kids are growing up to be irresponsible as I mentioned before, but not only irresponsible but disrespectful. Personally, I fully respect others. On the other hand, our youth have decided they'll pick and choose. Respecting our elders, is no longer a top priority among kids. They believe that they have full responsibility to do whatever they desire. Possibly because stricter child protection laws save their rear ends. Maybe because they just want to be cool. Whatever may be the case, it is becoming obnoxious. 
      I'm not saying that every kid needs to be church goers, not every kid needs to be spanked. I'm only saying that the youth now and days is immature. Overall, I believe it has a lot to do with cellphones, now that they have a phone they don't need their brains (I don't intend to sugar coat this). I also don't intend to blame every young youth today, so many amazing kids have yet to be discovered. Although, as news has taught us; if you didn't do anything bad, you're not worth the spotlight. 
     It's unfortunate that this youth can come up so negatively. Looking at it right now. I don't see anyway to change it. Though, one day we may find a way.  

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