Friday, October 30, 2015

I thought I could, so I did!

     Before I get started with this one, take a chance to read this:

     This leads me into tonights post. Going back to the story we all heard in grade school 'The little engine that could'. Our outcomes are reliant on our mindset. Want a negative outcome? Have a negative mindset. Whatever you set your mind to, you will achieve. 
     Once having your mind believing you can't, you basically have said 'I'm giving up' and that always seems easier than putting forth more effort. However, if you just were to change your mindset to 'I can do this' you have set yourself on to a path of accomplishment. Our minds are truly amazing features, and they are very intellegent. Your brain will do whatever you tell it. So as I said if you believe you can't, you won't. No one ever got anywhere taking the easy road, life doesn't work like that. We face different things along the path and that is when we start our 'we can't' mindset. 
    From this point on I believe you should take on the 'I can' mindset. It's not easy, it's not meant to be, it's meant to challenge you. The challenge is what makes you stronger. In order to get anywhere in life we need to face challenges, we need to believe in ourselves. Again, our brains believe what we tell them. The more times you sit back and tell yourself: 'I'm not good enough' or 'I'm stupid'. The more and more your brain will believe it and adapt to it. To change it, it takes a bit of believing. This type of believing doesn't take some Disney song. To believe in yourself you have to put forth some effort. Once you begin to think 'I can', you will! 

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