Sunday, March 22, 2015

Don't Lose Sight On Your Goals

     Don't lose something because of what ifs, it truly will hurt in the end. Whether it's love related, job related, or anything in between, don't let it slip from your hands because you are focused on the 'what if's'. Those thoughts of 'what if I'm not good enough?' 'What if he/she says no?' can hold you back from something amazing. Make a effort to avoid them, think more positively. What could be the worse if that person you like doesn't like you that way back? It will hurt to hear no but at least you have the closure that you did know how things would of went. You can think you're not good enough, but someone else may think you fit what they need perfectly. However, you didn't take up that chance because you were too worried about what would happen. Later on you will notice that those 'what if's' made bigger impacts on you then you thought. What is a life without a little risk? 
    Being nervous is perfectly normal. But being nervous shouldn't stop us from going after what we want. Try to fill your mind with more positive things, don't sit back and watch things pass in front of you because you got scared. This is defiantly easier said then done. To this day I regret not asking someone I had feelings for because of the what if's. Instead of focusing on negativity like everyone else, stand out and focus on the positives that may come your way. It's okay to be turned down, something better will lay ahead of you. 
     That's another thing you will get from challenging the what if's. Being turned down may/will happen to you, but you can only expect something better to come after. So don't get negative because things didn't work out the way you wished they would of. Just focus on having a positive outcome later down the road. 
      I agree this will be something hard, but remember to always stay positive. You only live once, if you live it right the first time you don't need a second time.

Stay Positive, 

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