Friday, March 6, 2015

Failure is not always bad

Through life we struggle with failure, sometimes that isn't a bad thing. For example, you just failed your math test, you can sit back and do nothing and take the failure, or you can use that failure to lead to a success. Sure, failure sounds bad and how could it make success? Well if you learn from the failure it can teach you how to be better. Use your failure to lead to something better, sitting back isn't going to get you too far. However, it's not always so easy to just pick up from a failure, but keep trying. Remember your resources; if it's school related you will have your teacher, book, sometimes online review. If it is a problem in life, use your family and friends to help. It takes time, you may meet other failures before you are able to meet the success you want. Just remember you aren't alone, and there are others out there that can help you achieve success. Next time you fail say to yourself; 'I will do better next time' instead of 'I am failure'. 

~ Cheers, Brooke

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