Friday, November 20, 2015

Holiday Challenge 2015

      Before I begin, I thought I would start with explaining my vision of Christmas. While much of this world likes to embrace the idea that Christmas (the holidays) are a time solely for receiving presents, spending boat loads of money, and nothing else. I like to take a more different approach to the holiday seasons. Personally, I like to look at the holiday’s as a time for me to enjoy my family, while many are very unfortunate to be missing a loved one or more than one. In addition, I love to believe that this time of the year should be celebrated with random acts of kindness, friendly gestures, and volunteering. Many of my post have been about volunteering, I’m aware. However, this time of the year I believe it’s more meaningful.
With the definition of this, I bring to you a bit of a challenge. Anyone who reads this, I don’t care who you are! I challenge you to do something this season. This thing can be anything. Something as small as hold a door for the person behind you, offering to help carrying someone’s goods, buy a snack for someone who’s down on their luck right now, maybe volunteer your time at a local organization. Anything you do, whether it’s big or small, it can make an impact. Take time to buy a toy for ‘Toys For Tots’, drop some loose change in those famous red kettles, maybe grab a warm drink for someone who is ringing the bell. There is no limitation on the amount of things we can do. Just a simple card, a simple message, a simple smile. Anything!
With all this negative stuff going on in the world right now, I feel like we could use some more positive uplifting stories. If each of us took a few minutes to spread some sort of kindness we might be able to put more smiles in the world.
If you have a chance while doing your random thing of kindness. Maybe snap a picture, take a video, then post it on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. Post it with #2015HolidayChallenge and let’s make this positive thing a trend. The more people we get on board, the more good we can spread.
Don’t read this then just carrying on. Anyone around you could be suffering; your neighbor, your friend, your coworker. People have a good way of hiding what’s going on. Something so simple could change a bad mood. Something so little can start something so big. So join me and let’s finish off this year with something more positive!

As Thanksgiving rounds the corner, I would like to send a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! I hope it's filled with many thanks, lots of food, and great memories. Take some time to be thankful for those around you. One day they won't be there. Stay positive and have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Youth Problems 2015

     Our youth are becoming a very interesting group. Sometimes it's not a positive interesting either. The youth today act like responsibility is a choice and not a priority. For me personally, I find responsibility to be a top priority. I'm responsible for anything and everything I do. Not a single person can make me do anything, they could influence me, but ultimately I make the decision. I've had enough of people blaming the parents for so many of these kids now and days. The more and more we set the blame to the parents, the more and more the kids will do these dumb and irresponsible acts thinking 'My parents are going to get the blame for it'. The less we show our youth that their responsible for their actions, the more likely we are to see a negative slope in attitudes. 
       Cell phones have become a problem for much of today's youth. Yes, I find cell phones just as useful as the next person, but how many of our youth are actually using their phones for productive things? I would guess about 10%, that could even be a bit high. For example, all of these apps now that we can download and expose ourselves to the world. Many kids get on these apps and start chatting and posting, then they feel all tough and land themselves in trouble. Unfortunately, these kids haven't really took the lesson of turning off the devices. They get all upset over things they keep putting on themselves, and sit there and whine about it. Every device has a power off switch, if more kids learned to use it, maybe cyber bullying wouldn't be such an epidemic. 
       Many of these kids are growing up to be irresponsible as I mentioned before, but not only irresponsible but disrespectful. Personally, I fully respect others. On the other hand, our youth have decided they'll pick and choose. Respecting our elders, is no longer a top priority among kids. They believe that they have full responsibility to do whatever they desire. Possibly because stricter child protection laws save their rear ends. Maybe because they just want to be cool. Whatever may be the case, it is becoming obnoxious. 
      I'm not saying that every kid needs to be church goers, not every kid needs to be spanked. I'm only saying that the youth now and days is immature. Overall, I believe it has a lot to do with cellphones, now that they have a phone they don't need their brains (I don't intend to sugar coat this). I also don't intend to blame every young youth today, so many amazing kids have yet to be discovered. Although, as news has taught us; if you didn't do anything bad, you're not worth the spotlight. 
     It's unfortunate that this youth can come up so negatively. Looking at it right now. I don't see anyway to change it. Though, one day we may find a way.  

Friday, October 30, 2015

I thought I could, so I did!

     Before I get started with this one, take a chance to read this:

     This leads me into tonights post. Going back to the story we all heard in grade school 'The little engine that could'. Our outcomes are reliant on our mindset. Want a negative outcome? Have a negative mindset. Whatever you set your mind to, you will achieve. 
     Once having your mind believing you can't, you basically have said 'I'm giving up' and that always seems easier than putting forth more effort. However, if you just were to change your mindset to 'I can do this' you have set yourself on to a path of accomplishment. Our minds are truly amazing features, and they are very intellegent. Your brain will do whatever you tell it. So as I said if you believe you can't, you won't. No one ever got anywhere taking the easy road, life doesn't work like that. We face different things along the path and that is when we start our 'we can't' mindset. 
    From this point on I believe you should take on the 'I can' mindset. It's not easy, it's not meant to be, it's meant to challenge you. The challenge is what makes you stronger. In order to get anywhere in life we need to face challenges, we need to believe in ourselves. Again, our brains believe what we tell them. The more times you sit back and tell yourself: 'I'm not good enough' or 'I'm stupid'. The more and more your brain will believe it and adapt to it. To change it, it takes a bit of believing. This type of believing doesn't take some Disney song. To believe in yourself you have to put forth some effort. Once you begin to think 'I can', you will! 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Think Before You Judge

     It seems like now and days people keep finding new ways of putting someone down. Unfortunately, putting these people we hardly even know down is becoming more common. Why is it society finds a need to say or make rude unneeded comments about someone before getting to know them? It's coming to an extent with this world/society that it feels if you are not 'perfect' in their eyes then you are immediately a new target. For example, it seems more and more I read in the news about people ridiculing and harassing Autistic kids because they are 'loud' or a 'nuisance'. It's unfortunate people can send death threats about these kids to their parents, saying these kids should never live. These kids deserve a chance in this world as much as we do. You don't know their story, any one of us could of been autistic, but fortunately we aren't. It's not right for us to harass anyone like that. Not only Autistic kids, but, the homeless, people who can't make ends meet who try harder then you may ever see. We just immediately assume that these people do nothing and sit on their butts all day. At any time in our life, we could be just like them. As I mentioned, you have no idea if they may be hard workers that hit a rough patch or if their not. So, instead of being quick to judge them, why can't we just live our life's and stop being so concerned about ridiculing someone else's.
     We have enough time to judge and harass others for their lives, lives we really can't change. But, we don't have the time to fix our lives? We don't have the time to do something good? If more people took that time they use to judge, harass, and worry about someone else's life style and put it to helping, working, volunteering, saying more positive things; this world could honestly be a better place.
     Though, I know this world will not change just because of a teenage girl writing some post. However, I do believe if just one person reads this, then takes action towards it, it could start something amazing. We act like we can't do anything, but really, if we put in our minds we can, we would be shocked at what we could get done. As Henry Ford once said: "Whether you believe you can or you can't, you're right". Teach your brain that you can make a difference, and watch, you will! This doesn't require some complicated pre-calculus problem, it just requires some true motivation!
     Take some time to compliment someone, take some time to ask someone how their day is, offer them some assists moving something. Those small, simple, easy, things can really make a big impact. None of which requires judgment, other than judging which one you should do! 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bad Days

     Have you ever; gotten over something, started getting better, etc. then suddenly everything went back to usual? Well you're not alone. Just recently I've been getting better; much happier, less stressed, enjoying simple things in life. Well of course that was short lived, after a bunch of my good days I finally hit the wall. Just the last few days have been full of tears, stress, and negativity. It's been difficult dealing with these last few days, since I had just started to get better. It's going to be hard when you first get this way again, but I have some ideas that I hope will help you.
     First, when you have your bad/stressful day, look at it as a rainy day. When you think of it as a 'rainy' day then you will begin to imagine a more sunny or less stressful day. Second, try thinking of the bad day as a chance to enjoy a simple thing. Such as; a warm cup of coffee (or tea), or maybe the sunset or sunrise. Our bad days always seem to remind us of a simple thing we usually seem to miss out on. Third, take some time to take a walk, head out to your local park or lake, take a nice stroll. This may or may not work, but it could reduce a bit of the stress you earned throughout your day. Lastly, try to just take a deep breath and move forward. Bad days will come and go, there's no doubt we will all get one. Sometimes the best we can do is take a deep breath and just face the facts. Sure, this isn't the best advice but it could be the only thing that gets you through the day.
     No matter what kind of day you have, or week. Remember that in the end, things will normally begin to look up. If it's not looking up, it's not the end. Take some time to smell the roses, take some time to enjoy a simple thing or two, or just take in some oxygen and get prepared for a good day later on. Whatever works for you. Remember that life will balance our good days with our bad, though it seems like we always get more bad days.
I hope you have a great weekend and stay safe!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Bullying SHOULD be old news..

      We live in a world that keeps finding reasons to make another person feel awful about who they are. Unfortunately, more people support the side that promotes bullying, harassment, and worst of all judgment. It's not up to us as a society to judge someone based on their life. We each have a different lifestyle and we all are different; whether anyone wants to believe it or not. Just because someone doesn't fit in societies standards of perfect or beautiful, we immediately should be able to reticulated and harass them. Then, if someone does it to us it's wrong and the person doing it to us should be beat up or such. Well, it's wrong no matter who you are, what your story is, or whatever may be the case, to bully and harass someone that you may or may not know anything about. Though, with the way things are set up, I know this will probably live on until the end of the world. However, instead of jumping on the bandwagon of harassment and bullying we could begin to fight back. There is people no matter how much promotion there is to 'non-bullying' they will immediately use the 'offended' card on people. I'm sorry to inform you but the whole offended by such comeback is getting old. I'm not offended by bullying, but I'm ready for there to be an end to it. It's getting old watching people go back and fourth in insults, why can't we just be nice? Is it because 'it's for kids'? Well guess what? Being nice has no age. In a world of awful, continuous news, why can't we spread more positive? Of course there will be that person or people who find a way to make someones positive attempt into a bad one. A terrible excuse for bullying/harassment has to be 'well my parents are this way so I am'.. NO! You don't have to be like your parents. You are not force to be rude and cruel to others, you have the choice to change. I'm nothing like what my biological family was like, I made it my goal not to become anything like them. We live in a world full of hate, harassment, and bullying, why can't we just change that? It's not hard.
     There are so many ways to lessen the problem. Someone makes an insulting comment on your status: DELETE it. It's not on your status? then just ignore it, don't give it your attention. That's what these people want, is people start an augment, get grumpy about it. If it's verbal, ignore it.  Believe me, I know it's hard to just ignore it. If it's physical, do something about it. Speak up! There is more people on your side then theirs.
     Don't fight fire with fire. It puts nothing out. Fight it with water, make it peaceful, and don't jump on the bandwagon. It's hard living in this world of so much hatred, but let's remind society there is still people with hearts.

One Year Of Firefighting

     Tuesday night {Sept 8th 2015} I've been a firefighter for a year. Sure, this isn't anything too important, but it is an accomplishment. In the beginning I didn't know how I would feel about it, if I'd be good enough, but today it's different. In honor of the year in the fire service I thought I would share what I've learned in my year. However, this isn't about what I learned about firefighting but from firefighting.
    First things first: ALL LIVES MATTER! In the fire department you don't usually know the person or people who you are saving or helping. However, that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if the person is black or white, straight or not, etc. we come we do our job and we go home. It doesn't make a difference who the person is, we are there to do what we signed up for. All this talk today that one persons (groups) life matters over another is in honesty a lot of nonsense, EVERYBODY is important, NOT just one group or person. Second, I learned quick what respect and responsibility is. Of course I knew this ahead of time, but in the fire department it is more than important to realize those two words. Respect is not only given to the senior members but everybody, even on calls we respect the citizens around us. Our company is responsible if we show disrespect to anyone, because the name on our trucks is the name we represent. This leads in to responsibility, not only around the fire house either, this goes for everywhere. Our actions, our responsibility. You are not there to mess around and break things then blame some else, you are their to be responsible and take care of the house. If you were to accidentally break something, you own up to it. Responsibility doesn't just mean when things get broke, but when you say something: you are responsible for what you said. Third, you learn that what is being said will eventually be something very important. If one day chief talks about how to set up for a wildfire operation, you better be listening and learning. At any point in time you may be face with that situation. Everything you learn in the fire department is extremely important.  Don't take for granted all the training/drills. What you learn and use will really make an impact. Fourth, LEADERSHIP. This isn't only the chief, deputy, lieutenants, job. Throughout your time in the fire service you will learn leadership, no doubt. Don't abuse it when it comes to your chance. Leadership is a person who can lead a group to do great things. Never forget that. Lastly, the fire service has it's days, we may not 100% agree with everyone's views, we may not agree 100% with how things should be ran, but take a moment to realize this won't last forever. Some day the people you get to work with and spend time with won't be there anymore. Don't forget to enjoy the good times with the crew, even if it's washing a truck or if it's setting up for a chicken BBQ. These small things will fly by. Yeah, I've only been in it for a year; what do I know? Well from talking with the older members, I can tell you: Life is short, you better enjoy it while you can.
     So, to anyone who looks at the fire department and thinks 'that can't be hard' or 'you just learn how to fight fires', you really haven't experienced anything until you experienced firefighting. It's not just about the fire service, it's about life lessons.
     I hope everyone has a safe and happy Labor Day! Also, don't forget to thank a firefighter, police man, ems, etc. on 9/11.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Volunteering & Leadership: Can We Make A Change?

     Am I the only one who is tired of hearing all this negative news? I feel it's about time to start changing it. Yes, I agree that the news usually will only tell negative news because it's how they get people to watch, but say we didn't do this to get on the news.. Yes, doing something good without any publicity. No matter who you are, you can make a little change in someones life. Maybe just a quick 'hey how are ya?' message or maybe a visit, whatever it may be, whatever it may take, just do it. This can be done without having to be publicly recognized for it. Although, I know that it can't happen like that in a world full of technology. So, if you decide to do something good for someone else do it! Afterwards if you feel the want or the need, post a picture of you or your group on social media, adding #SpreadThePositive.
     I know I talked about this last time I posted but it truly is something I care about. Getting out in your community and doing something can make a much larger impact then you could imagine. For instance; I am a volunteer firefighter, as of Tuesday (Sept 8th, 2015) I've been in the fire service for 1 year.  Over that year I've respond to a decent amount of calls, and to this day I don't realize what difference I may have actually made, but I know from others who send cards or small little thank you gifts, that has a crew, our teamwork and service really impacted someones life. Sure, that's a little big, and I realize not everyone has the ability to be a firefighter. However, there is endless things you could do to Spread The Positive, it could be as easy as volunteer at a soup kitchen, volunteering at the VA, or donating food to a shelter. As our parents taught us (or may not of) all those little things add up into bigger things. Each little bit of volunteering that you put in, is just adding up to a large impact in the end. Around you are so many opportunity's, take advantage of what is available to you. Remember that no matter what you do, it is making a difference for someone else.
    This leads us into one last thing; leadership. This is your opportunity to show what kind of leader you can be. Get out and do something, our world right now (whether you want to believe it or not) could use more positive leadership. Give this a chance! Don't turn it down! Take some time to Spread The Positive!

Friday, August 21, 2015

#SpreadThePositive Challenge

     The world is slowly becoming worse. People fighting over rights, people fighting over a flag, kids bullying each other, adults bullying each other, etc. Instead of joining in, why not try something a little different? We all have a voice, but the problem is; we aren't using it. As a individual we can voice out positive and encouraging messages, but unfortunately not many people are taking this chance. 'One person can't change the word' well I believe one person can. If one person in politics can start a wave of voice, why can't an average individual? With more positive and encouraging motivation/messages, we could slowly bring back a better world. I'm well aware the world will never be 100% better but we could always try to make it at least 50%.
    That is my challenge to you! Take some time from your life and HELP! There is so many opportunity's around you to help out someone else. Volunteer; whether it's something as big as firefighting, spending time with patients at a hospital, dishing soup at a soup kitchen, donating goods to charity, etc. Maybe it's something as simple as taking time to message someone you see having a hard time, whether you are close to this person or not, sending a message can save a life. Even just easily hanging out with this person, doesn't matter if you go to a park or go the an amusement park, just knowing someone is there for them is enough for them. The opportunity's are honestly endless. Life is too short to sit back and spread negativity, so how about be more encouraging. One person is all it takes to start a movement!
    I'm well aware you hear these things everyday, but it seems like the only way people will do something anymore is if it has a hashtag and challenge written with it. So why don't we start the #SpreadThePositive challenge?
    We have a world that needs a change, so why can't we be the ones to start a change? Give it a try, don't just brush it off. You may have all the time in the world, but someone else might not.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Your Story!

      I hate to inform you; life will never follow your plans 100%. Although, if you remain positive and keep your head up, then you may achieve better. We all have a story, and each page lies a different plot that will lead to an interesting conclusion. Like in a story we read on to find out what better comes out of it, treat your life like a story. Instead of sitting back when life hits you with a curve ball, get up and swing your bat at the next ball. Life isn't meant to be easy, if it was it wouldn't be as fun. Take a set back as a chance to improve.
      For me, I have had some trouble in my past, I prefer not to talk about it; but things just didn't go my way. Instead of getting bitter I decided to get better. Sure, I still have my set backs and curve balls but I try to remind myself of the positive I have yet to face.
     That's what I believe we all need to do; don't get bitter, get better {Josh Shipp}. Let's not sit back when our plot gets sour, let's get up and face this head on. One day all of our mistakes and set backs will make sense. If they don't and if nothing gets better please don't end your story. There is so much out there that has yet to be explored. Life has many more chapters, if you don't like the one your on change it. Don't sit back and take it. There are so many amazing stories about people who have made it through their tough times and came out on top. Steve Harvey had gone through homelessness and divorce; here he is today a successful motivational man who many have come to enjoy. Brent Smith {of Shinedown} has gone through drug addiction, he became sober and now is an amazing performer. Everyone successful around you has faced a difficulty at some point that you may never know about, you're no different. So, when you face a time in your life where things have taken a turn, don't look negatively on it, take a more positive route. In the end, remember to smile and stay positive.

Stay Positive,


Wednesday, June 17, 2015


            I see the question "What is leadership" appear in a lot of places, and I thought I would take some time to give my opinion on it...
         First, I feel like a leader shouldn't be defined by some position that a person has earned. Anyone can be a president (or high power), but only few can actually lead well. A leader to me would be any individual (no matter what rank they are in society), who takes the time/steps to encourage, motivate, persuade, someone else to do well and achieve great goals. It shouldn't be just a higher power individual, and I feel like that's where we go wrong with naming 'leaders'. Second, as a firefighter I do have a Chief, Deputy, Lieutenant, etc. but none of them are any good if they aren't good leaders. Yes, they have 'positions' of higher power but they are suppose to encourage us and teach us to do well. In my fire department our higher authority is a group of wonderful leaders who teach us very well, but I know some people and fire departments aren't as fortunate. Like I mentioned previously; anyone can be considered a leader by their position, but only few can actually show leader qualifications. Third, what I consider good leader qualifications. Well, like I said before anyone who can; teach, encourage, and motivate another person(s) to do well. However, a leader can't just stop there, they should really take over, until these other individuals have reach full potential and rubbed it off on others. Basically, when one leader takes over, many other leaders should develop afterwards, it shouldn't be a influence we are ashamed to share, but one we are happy to see spread. We need a little less negative influence and a lot more powerful and positive influences; to achieve that we must change our 'Leaders'. Anyone can become a high position, but that will never make them a leader until they can actually show they can be one! 
        I highly encourage you to take the steps and become a leader to someone around you, whether it is one or one-hundred people. Just take the steps and spread a positive influence to those around you! Make your words count!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


     Sometimes we get involved with something and immediately get an 'unwelcomed' feeling. This happens fairly often, unfortunately. However, we may not be able to change what people think about us, we can change how we think about the situation. For example, if you just joined a new group and you feel like the people around you don't accept this; give it time. This doesn't ultimately mean everyone will like you by the end, if anyone at all, but it will begin to show people who may become more accepting. Although, there may be cases were no one will ever accept you into the group, the best you can do is remember what you are there to achieve. These people around you may not be the best support group, but if you just leave, you're letting them win, and that is giving up. We can't just give up because people around us don't like us, if we did. nothing would ever get done. It is difficult when you feel unwelcomed (maybe unliked) but at some point that feeling may just go away, and maybe it won't. You'll just have to push through it, keep looking out at your goal. If one or two people take the time to be your friends that's great, if not, that's alright, you still have friends outside of what you're doing who would support what you are doing. Don't give up because of feeling unwelcome to a group, work hard and achieve what you set to achieve.. If you give up, you are going to be the one unsatisfied. Just remember everyone can have their own thoughts, but you can make your mind up whether you want to sit back and take it, or stand up and say "I got better things to be worrying about". 


Wednesday, April 29, 2015


     Some people change your life for the better and that's great. Although, don't put so much reliance on one person to make your life better. As we know, or should; no one will be around forever. Whether they passed away or they just simply walked away from your life. In these situations where our happiness has basically been removed we tend to get down and give up. However, instead of getting bitter we should get better (quote from Josh Shipp). Don't look at this situation as a way to find all the negatives about yourself or even just finding negatives about life. Instead, look at the situation as a way to become strong on your own. That person was an influence, since no one can 100% change you they can only influence you to make your mind up. We can't go around hating not only ourselves for something like this but life. It is hard losing someone; no matter how (death or walking out). We can't let that be our down fall, but let it be a time to look at yourself and realize that person had started something, if you like it keep it going. If that person walked out of your life, you realize they weren't really worth it, if the person passed on, they don't want you to cry for them but celebrate what they have completed in there life or maybe just they want you to keep your life going. We will come to a point where someone we care about will leave, but we can only get stronger and less depended on someone else and more depended on ourselves to be happier. Never lose sight of your dreams and remember that there is so much out there no matter what negatives happen! 

Stay Strong, 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Social Media

     If our youth was negatively affected by anything it would be: Social Media. First, everyday somebody posts a "selfie" on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, for what? The comments. Now and days much of our youth decides that they will focus on the way they look based on what others say. Why is it we turn ourselves over to the world to judge? Is it not enough to be judged by people on the streets. Feeling good about ourselves should be based on our personal feelings, not on the world and how they feel we look. As I've mentioned before; no one will ever please everyone since we have our own opinions we're titled to. I am guilty of posting a "selfie" here and there to feel good but I post it for enjoyment and less of thoughts and opinions. Second, a pretty common occurrence in headlines is suicide over cyber bullying. Using social media can be dangerous, it can lead to so many bad things. However, choosing to sit there and take it is your own fault. Not saying you should fight back (not recommending that at all) but I do suggest to ignore it, maybe delete what you said, don't make it a big deal. Finally, social media has pretty much taken over our youths lives. Each day they need to update Facebook, they need to tweet song lyrics, they need to post what they're eating on Instagram. It really shouldn't be this way, I get enjoying yourself with social media; watching vines, liking photos, sharing memories. Although, remember there is still a world out there that is ready to be lived. Overall, sometimes the best way to solve all of this, is the off button. Especially, when cyber bullying occurs; don't put up with it just power your device down and ignore it. It's not always that easy but it is worth a shot. Get out and enjoy life, have fun, and don't worry about what people on Social Media have to say. 


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Don't Lose Sight On Your Goals

     Don't lose something because of what ifs, it truly will hurt in the end. Whether it's love related, job related, or anything in between, don't let it slip from your hands because you are focused on the 'what if's'. Those thoughts of 'what if I'm not good enough?' 'What if he/she says no?' can hold you back from something amazing. Make a effort to avoid them, think more positively. What could be the worse if that person you like doesn't like you that way back? It will hurt to hear no but at least you have the closure that you did know how things would of went. You can think you're not good enough, but someone else may think you fit what they need perfectly. However, you didn't take up that chance because you were too worried about what would happen. Later on you will notice that those 'what if's' made bigger impacts on you then you thought. What is a life without a little risk? 
    Being nervous is perfectly normal. But being nervous shouldn't stop us from going after what we want. Try to fill your mind with more positive things, don't sit back and watch things pass in front of you because you got scared. This is defiantly easier said then done. To this day I regret not asking someone I had feelings for because of the what if's. Instead of focusing on negativity like everyone else, stand out and focus on the positives that may come your way. It's okay to be turned down, something better will lay ahead of you. 
     That's another thing you will get from challenging the what if's. Being turned down may/will happen to you, but you can only expect something better to come after. So don't get negative because things didn't work out the way you wished they would of. Just focus on having a positive outcome later down the road. 
      I agree this will be something hard, but remember to always stay positive. You only live once, if you live it right the first time you don't need a second time.

Stay Positive, 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Failure is not always bad

Through life we struggle with failure, sometimes that isn't a bad thing. For example, you just failed your math test, you can sit back and do nothing and take the failure, or you can use that failure to lead to a success. Sure, failure sounds bad and how could it make success? Well if you learn from the failure it can teach you how to be better. Use your failure to lead to something better, sitting back isn't going to get you too far. However, it's not always so easy to just pick up from a failure, but keep trying. Remember your resources; if it's school related you will have your teacher, book, sometimes online review. If it is a problem in life, use your family and friends to help. It takes time, you may meet other failures before you are able to meet the success you want. Just remember you aren't alone, and there are others out there that can help you achieve success. Next time you fail say to yourself; 'I will do better next time' instead of 'I am failure'. 

~ Cheers, Brooke

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Not The Answer

This is for anyone who is thinking about self-harm or has done it already:

Self-harm is not the answer to whatever you are facing right now. Think about it, the scars of whatever you do are forever lasting, both mentally & physically. This is just a problem that will pass by, it won’t be around forever. Even if it is around mentally forever, you can’t let it set you back to hurt yourself. You are only making the problem at hand harder to deal with. Once you harm yourself and someone finds out, they might leave you, truthfully they probably will leave you. Some will stick around though, but harming yourself is not the way to find your ‘true’ friends. Once you make the first mark, you will get addicted. The endorphins in your brain will make you believe that you are relaxed, but what happens when that relaxation falls? You go right into regret mode, making yourself do it again. Becoming a circle that can’t be broken. There is someone out there that does love you, who wants to help you. Right now, that can be hard to believe. Just don’t give up yet, there is so much more. It truly gets better once it passes, but then when it passes your main reason to hurt is because of regret, putting you back in the process. Focus on the people who love you, don’t focus on whatever tools you use to hurt yourself. Those tools could never love or care about you like a real person would. Keep your head up, and always remember to stay strong!

{P.S. This isn’t just from online sources, I know what it was like and I learned through family, friends, and church that self-harm is never worth it. It will definitely be very difficult to stop in the beginning, and it’s okay to relapse but just keep your goal to stop in mind.}

Stay Strong,

Love who you are..

One thing that I notice a lot is the lack of confidence that people have in their bodies and appearance, because someone called them 'fat' or someone said their 'ugly'. You shouldn't be so focused on pleasing everyone. Let's face it; no one in the world is loved by everyone, there is still haters even if we don't see it day to day. Everyone is based to their own opinion, but you don't have to listen to their opinion, and shouldn't. When looking at yourself in the mirror take in everything, don't just look and feel bad because you don't fit societies standards. Society is a kind of  test, seeing how strong you really are. If you fail the test, you'll probably feel terrible for a majority of your life. However, if you pass the test, you can move on with confidence and a smile. It's just a matter of using that on and off switch: turning off the negative stuff, and turning on the positive stuff. If you just take the time to realize that not everyone will be satisfied by who you are, you may just start to realize how beautiful you really are.

Sure, this may take some time to fully be confident and love yourself. Although, it is 100% worth it in the end. Start by surrounding yourself with people who you can talk to about this. Having a strong group of supportive friends can make things a little easier. Next, when you see a photo or video that upsets you, turn it off. Focusing on something that upsets you isn't healthy to a good confidence level. Finally, always remember when you feel bad because someone calls you a name, just think; not everyone likes how that person looks either. In the end, if you work on building a strong confidence it can make life much easier, since we only live one time, we should make it count! 

~ Cheers, Brooke

My First Post

       I wanna make this blog dedicated to my goals of becoming a motivational speaker. Each day I am going to try to post something motivational. In hopes to encourage anyone who reads it to be motivated to do whatever it is they want to achieve, or maybe get over something that may be bothering them, or maybe just encourage them to become a leader, and help others make better decision and help. I hope everyone can benefit from this blog, and can share to others to help them.

Hopefully you stick around for more!

~ Cheers, Brooke